PHP / Apache: Set Max File Upload and Post Size | LeetDev

1. Locate php.ini

Firstly, you need to locate your php.ini file. In this example, our php.ini is located in /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini, however, this may be different for you depending on your PHP version.

2. Edit php.ini

Open your php.ini file with nano.

sudo nano /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini


In nano, press CTRL + W and search for upload_max_filesize and change the value to 64M (for 64 megabytes) or whatever value you require.


upload_max_filesize = 64M


Press CTRL + W again and search for post_max_size and change the value to 64M (for 64 megabytes) or whatever value you require.


post_max_size = 64M

Save file and exit. (Press CTRL + X, press Y and then press ENTER).

3. Restart Apache/PHP

Restart Apache to apply changes.

sudo systemctl restart apache2

If you are using PHP-FPM, you may need to restart PHP-FPM service separately.

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